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Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology pomaga utorować drogę do nowych rynków zbytu

Rido reduces design errors, accelerates downstream processes and assembly, and saves customers time and money using advanced, intuitive 3D solution

A passion for high-grade, curtain wall construction

Rido Planning Consulting Engineering, located in Poznań, Poland, was established to compete in today’s international construction markets. It specializes in building and metal-elevation construction projects.
With completed projects in Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, France and Dubai, Rido works in conjunction with construction companies and general contractors, architects and firms that excel at metal-elevation construction.

Within these projects, Rido assumes responsibility for managing the highly complex engineering design process, where new construction and related systems are vertically erected in accordance with required specifications and engineering coordinates; and co-operation occurs across multiple external institutions, including other consultants and various research institutes. Responsibilities include preparing structural estimates and performing a variety of other tasks necessary to delivering today’s modern design and construction projects. The company also provides consultancy services, supervises construction work related to building elevations and delivers quality assurance services.

Rido prides itself on its experience in erecting spectacular glazed elevations, canopies, steel construction and glazed roofs. Rido’s most demanding projects include its work on Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 near London, CB31 Skyscraper (AXA) in the La Défense district of Paris, HighLight Towers in Munich, and both the Mahler 4 Office Tower and Atradius headquarters in Amsterdam. “The design of a modern building raises several challenges and potential problems,” says Krzysztof Domiński, president of Rido.

Business challenges

Facilitate expansion into new markets Increase design capacity Respond more flexibly to customer requirements

Keys to success

Reduce costly design errors
Implement 3D CAD capabilities of Solid Edge with synchronous technology
Migrate to the new technology in stages, without incurring time-consuming training


Increased process flexibility by enabling designers to create more complex product designs
Minimized errors, especially in facade corner and bending design
Accelerated downstream processes by automatically generating programs for CNC machine tools
Accelerated the preparation of 2D documentation for the workshop, construction stage managers and clients
Saved customers approximately 15 percent in project time

“„Dopasowanie konstrukcji do wizji architekta to zadanie wymagające odpowiedniej wiedzy, umiejętności, narzędzi i czasu. Przy projektowaniu tego typu budowli kluczową rolę odgrywa technologia 3D”.

Tradycyjnie projektanci i inżynierowie używali oprogramowania projektowego 2D jako standardowego narzędzia do projektowania elementów elewacji. Niestety, takie podejście nie pozwalało konstruktorom na przewidywanie potencjalnych problemów, jakie czasami pojawiały się podczas prac budowlanych. Domiński wyjaśnia: „Korzyści z 3D są znacznie większe niż problemy i koszty związane z wykorzystaniem 2D. Solid Edge with synchronous technology pozwala na znacznie szybsze i łatwiejsze wprowadzenie technologii 3D. Mimo to, wciąż jeszcze niewiele firm na świecie potrafi tworzyć dobre projekty w 3D. Kluczem do sukcesu jest nie tylko posiadanie odpowiednich narzędzi, ale także wiedza, umiejętności i doświadczenie”.

A user-friendly hybrid

Rido began to look for 3D computer-aided design (CAD) software that would not only meet its engineering requirements, but also ensure the company’s ability to work in a global environment. This was especially important, since the company’s projects often involve specialists drawn from several organizations, who speak different languages and are based in multiple countries. The company sought a software solution that would streamline the work of large design teams, while at the same time be user-friendly and quickly deliver high value. Indeed, return on investment was an important factor.

Taking these considerations into account, Rido selected and implemented Siemens PLM Software’s
Solid Edge® software with synchronous technology, a proven 3D solution that is well regarded in the design industry. Solid Edge met all of Rido’s technical requirements by providing the performance and flexibility of direct modeling, while offering the automation and precision of parameterized design.

In addition, Solid Edge provides the hybrid functionality that the company needed to seamlessly migrate from 2D to 3D. In fact, Rido’s users were able to migrate to 3D on their own terms. Users started by turning simple 2D geometry into intelligent 3D models. Then they moved to hybrid 2D/3D design. Once comfortable, they applied the software’s full design capabilities. Solid Edge was delivered by Siemens PLM Software partner GM System, which supported Rido’s users throughout all of the transition stages and equipped them with appropriate support tools and methodologies to ease the process. Essentially, it was the individual user who decided when to move to the next stage. The user-friendly interface of Solid Edge, similar to the tools in Microsoft Office® software, made the technology even more intuitive.

Results continued

Reduced customer project costs about 15 percent
Paved the way to new opportunities globally

"Solid Edge helps us save time when programming machine tools."
"Solid Edge reduces the risk of errors during the project’s design stage, while enabling us to analyze corners and joints of facades that run at different angles."

Krzysztof Domiński
Rido Planning Consulting Engineering

Domiński explains the importance of the transition:

"The main challenge of using this software was to switch our thinking from a 2D to 3D design workflow. Solid Edge enabled us to respond to that challenge. We began using the third dimension relatively quickly, mastered the tool and started to accomplish our tasks even more effectively by taking advantage of the system’s full 3D design capabilities."

Paving the way into new markets

"Solid Edge with synchronous technology increased Rido’s production capacity considerably,"
says Domiński.
"Solid Edge enables us to create more complex designs and deal with the most refined architectural ideas, which paves our way into new markets. There are projects where it is impossible to draw or measure certain elements in 2D. Our Solid Edge solution spares our clients problems and all of these non-standard elements come out right."

What’s more, it now takes designers much less time to find errors than it did in 2D, where the design process was limited to the construction stage. Just as importantly, both Rido and its clients benefit from the use of Solid Edge. Since the design is prepared in Solid Edge, Rido’s contractors are able to leverage a project’s design data during the production stage. Domiński explains, “Solid Edge has helped us to reduce the number of design errors. As a result, we save time and money for our clients; otherwise each error would require costly alterations during the construction stage.” Domiński estimates the customer gain to be a 15 percent faster turnaround, as well as a 15 percent cost reduction.

Solid Edge also has enabled Rido to accelerate downstream processes by providing a 3D model that manufacturing software can quickly leverage for use in driving CNC tools, machining centers and thermal cutting machines. At the same time, the company is able to accelerate the preparation of 2D documentation for its workshop, construction stage managers and clients.


Solid Edge with synchronous technology

Client’s primary business

Rido Planning Consulting Engineering engages in high-rise building and other specialized elevation projects, working in conjunction with construction companies and general contractors, architects and firms that excel at metal-elevation construction. Rido is especially well known for designing aluminum, glass, steel and stone elevations.

Client location


"Solid Edge with synchronous technology enables us to create more complex designs and deal with the most refined architectural ideas, which paves our way into new markets."
Krzysztof Domiński President Rido Planning Consulting Engineering